BB Friday Q&A Webinar (3/21/14) NOTES
Ron Anderson speaking:
Good morning. Welcome to BB v3. We're happy it's out there and you seem to be enjoying it so much. This is our first webinar for v3. Glad to have you here.
Chris Smith speaking:
Guys, as Ron just mentioned, we are live and kicking. We've been plugging away for many months on this platform, and it's a pleasure to see you all on the site and joining us for this journey.
The opening was Tuesday, and we noticed the speed was not where it should be. We quickly realized where the bottleneck was and quickly addressed it. There is much room to grow with Version 3. The platform is modular and very adaptable to whatever the needs are.
Please read our newest blog post for an update.
We would like to formally announce the World Tour date! It will be Sunday, July 13th. Please visit the website for all the information:
http: //
Trinidad is a wonderful place, and I can't wait to visit there again. There will be other activities going on that weekend for you to enjoy as well as the BB Tour event. Coming this summer, and we can't wait.
The Admin Fee - Your admin fee of $10 goes to BB, and different processors have a fee on top of that for the processing. That's why you may be seeing additional amount over $10. There was a problem with Payza but we are working on that. And I believe that the situation with STP has been resolved.
For withddrawals/payouts, make sure you have your valid ID uploaded to BB. Please make sure you have a fresh ID in our system. The guys are working hard to get them approved as quickly as possible.
Many comments about how fast and how well the site is reacting and working. Thank you.
If you have any problems logging in, there is a password section for recovering that.
I'll turn it back over to Ron now.
ID's: If you had your ID uploaded previously, then you have 3 months to upload your new ID's.
There was an issue with the allowance on the black panel. That has been corrected.
We have noticed that some affiates profile strength is stuck on 40%. We are working on that now.
Organic Campaigns will be mandatory. There is a manual which is in the final stages of editing, and should be released in the next week or so.
Panels are moving and submitted to the networks, so once the engine runs you will see the movement.
Organic traffic should be operating at 100%.
A huge number of questions here. Please submit your question to support or ask in the Skype rooms or Facebook and see if affiliates can help you.
Legacy panels will all cap 50% into your Legacy eWallet and 100% of the impressions will go into your impression bank.
We are working on the new BB presentation, new promotional materials to help you with your inviting.
Please follow us at Twitter, Facebook and our blog. A lot of these questions are being answered and posted for you to see.
Some people are still seeing the funding page when logging in. This may be becuase the funding has not reached the processor yet. If it's taking you a little bit to get in, don't worry, all fundings will be processed soon.
I'm excited to have B3 out and flowing. it's been a labor of love for a long time. We are getting all the quirks worked out and the speed is up to par, so you can become more deeply involved with online revenue and earn income.
Thank you for joining us today. The future is bright.
(These are only summary notes prepared by Linda Lane and are not official BB transcripts. Please include this when you re-post)