Александр Багнюк
Всем добрый вечер! Скажите пожалуйста, деньги уже пришли кому то или нет, а то у меня срок на 21.01.2013г. и до сих пор нет. Выводил на карту ВВ.
Последнее редактирование:
пос квалификации надо нажать на get impressions? и ваще что за зверь?
а что, в СТП и Пэйзе процент за снятие денег меньше берут? И еще - если я выеду за границу, с картой ББ будет легче, ведь она действительна в любой точке мира?
Опять ты Серега прошлое ворошишь. Не пора ли уже подняться и идти дальше?
Your Question: I write to you every week
every time you promise to solve the problem
it's been 3 months ....
22:54Rena Bannersbroker Canada: Please submt 1 chat at a time as submitting multiples slows this process down all around
22:56ME: I do not know
me 2 months no one can help
blablabla on solid tech support
"We are redirecting the problem to senior management"
every week
22:57ME: Ticket: #BNA-142-28482
22:57ME: watch this
22:57Rena Bannersbroker Canada: on emomnet
22:57Rena Bannersbroker Canada: moment
22:57Rena Bannersbroker Canada: pardon
22:59Rena Bannersbroker Canada: username
22:59ME: *******
23:00Rena Bannersbroker Canada: whats the issue
23:01ME: 77690 2012-11-07 06:15:49 138.55 Withdrawal to STP: $138.55 pending????
is it normal? i don't think so!!!
23:02ME: you deceive people?
23:02ME: 3 months I'm waiting!!!!!!!!
23:03Rena Bannersbroker Canada: one moment
23:07Rena Bannersbroker Canada: I have just consulted with management and it stil being escalated
23:07ME: Check my psychic abilities?
you say:
23:07ME: Well the management team will take look at your account and try and see where the money is and how long it will take to get to your account. They will contact you with regards to your account via email
23:08ME: a little bit did not have time))))))))))))
23:08ME: funny is not it?
23:09Rena Bannersbroker Canada: thank you for continued patience
23:09ME: I had no patience!
23:10ME: When I get the money?
23:10ME: How long to wait - write the date!
23:11ME: week, month, year, five years? How much?
23:11Rena Bannersbroker Canada: You will be notified once support has been contacted back by management
23:12ME: same
23:12ME: a week ago the same
a month ago the same thing
23:13ME: I beg your answer in the ticket
23:13ME: Ticket: #BNA-142-28482
23:13ME: "You will be notified once support has been contacted back by management"
23:14ME: and the approximate date of the response management
23:15ME: I hope you are not hard to write it in the ticket?
23:19ME: solid excuses 2 months
23:19ME: no real answer
23:20ME: I'm tired of waiting
23:21ME: When I get the money? period you do not say
23:21ME: even approximately
23:21ME: even approximately
23:29ME: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
23:29ME: do not sleep. tell me something already
23:30Rena Bannersbroker Canada: i already have sir. you will have to wait until we have an answer
23:32ME: long? day, week, month, year?
23:33Rena Bannersbroker Canada: goodbye sir
Я так понял, своему рефералу. А как это сделать? В каком разделе?можно передавать вниз и вниз пакетов и панелей сколько угодно
Я уже за***лся ждать вывод с ББ
нихрена они не платят
Your Question: I write to you every week
every time you promise to solve the problem
it's been 3 months ....
22:54Rena Bannersbroker Canada: Please submt 1 chat at a time as submitting multiples slows this process down all around
22:56ME: I do not know
me 2 months no one can help
blablabla on solid tech support
"We are redirecting the problem to senior management"
every week
22:57ME: Ticket: #BNA-142-28482
22:57ME: watch this
22:57Rena Bannersbroker Canada: on emomnet
22:57Rena Bannersbroker Canada: moment
22:57Rena Bannersbroker Canada: pardon
22:59Rena Bannersbroker Canada: username
22:59ME: *******
23:00Rena Bannersbroker Canada: whats the issue
23:01ME: 77690 2012-11-07 06:15:49 138.55 Withdrawal to STP: $138.55 pending????
is it normal? i don't think so!!!
23:02ME: you deceive people?
23:02ME: 3 months I'm waiting!!!!!!!!
23:03Rena Bannersbroker Canada: one moment
23:07Rena Bannersbroker Canada: I have just consulted with management and it stil being escalated
23:07ME: Check my psychic abilities?
you say:
23:07ME: Well the management team will take look at your account and try and see where the money is and how long it will take to get to your account. They will contact you with regards to your account via email
23:08ME: a little bit did not have time))))))))))))
23:08ME: funny is not it?
23:09Rena Bannersbroker Canada: thank you for continued patience
23:09ME: I had no patience!
23:10ME: When I get the money?
23:10ME: How long to wait - write the date!
23:11ME: week, month, year, five years? How much?
23:11Rena Bannersbroker Canada: You will be notified once support has been contacted back by management
23:12ME: same
23:12ME: a week ago the same
a month ago the same thing
23:13ME: I beg your answer in the ticket
23:13ME: Ticket: #BNA-142-28482
23:13ME: "You will be notified once support has been contacted back by management"
23:14ME: and the approximate date of the response management
23:15ME: I hope you are not hard to write it in the ticket?
23:19ME: solid excuses 2 months
23:19ME: no real answer
23:20ME: I'm tired of waiting
23:21ME: When I get the money? period you do not say
23:21ME: even approximately
MrMogikan, спасибо! Очень толково представлены правила на этом сайте. По крайней мере я там нашел ответы на мои вопросы.Гиорги,
вот посмотрите, здесь описания с правилами работы
Многие люди и не подозревают, как близко подобрались к успеху в тот момент, когда они сдались . - Эдисон
С Вашими нервами нельзя никуда инвестировать, лучше держите деньги дома в 3-х литровой банке.
Я так понял, своему рефералу. А как это сделать? В каком разделе?
Спасибоа правильно вы меня поняли.С заработанных в проекте денег можете купить пакеты и панели там же где и сами покупали.Потом нажимаете под пакетом или панелью левую,нижнию, синию кнопку-трансфер, и вводите логин реферала. Нажимаете отправить и товар отгружен покупателю.Деньги получаете от реферала на удобную для вас платёжную систему.
Т.е. это нормальная ситуация, когда задержки по 3 месяца?
и как эти проблемы разрешаются? сами собой? или долбить саппорт надо?