В принципе интерестный проект, типа долгоиграющий(до 3% с возвратом депозита)
Up to 3% daily! Every business day you'll receive up to 3% of your deposit. Exact amount depends on our business success on exact day.
Receive you interest for lifelong! There is no lifespan for deposits. You'll receive your interest as long as you money deposited with us.
Referral bonus every business day! You'll receive 0.1% of total depost of you referrer every business day until referrer withdraw funds.
Withdraw you principal whenever you wish! You can withdraw your deposit any time you want with only 10% fee. It can take up to the 3 business days to process withdrawal request
[highlight]ОФОРМЛЕНИЕ ТЕМЫ НЕ СООТВЕТСТУЕТ ПРАВИЛАМ ФОРУМА! Мы говорим по-русски![/highlight]
[highlight]ОФОРМЛЕНИЕ ТЕМЫ НЕ СООТВЕТСТУЕТ ПРАВИЛАМ ФОРУМА! Мы говорим по-русски![/highlight]
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