"OK, we wont be online for a few more hours as the database is processing 4 days worth of interest payments for 11000 users."
Full update on Money News Online tonight (all the news is here too though!!)
Вобщем скоро всё будет, заминка в том, что за 4 дня накопились проценты для 11000 аккаунтов и надо это всё разрулить. Сегодня вечером на MNO более подробная информация, ну и в твиттере тоже.
Перевод примерный.
Если что, поправьте.
добавлено через 11 часов 16 минут
"Once again we had a very frustrating day trying to sort out configuration issues with our new server. Our set up is not that simple compared to your run of the mill web site, we need to consider security and have multiple components that all need to work together and cannot be thrown together quickly. Our script is also highly modified and requires additional tweaking and modification. So, over the last few days in a mad rush to get the new server up and running a few things did not go to plan and caused this delay.
the good news is, that virtually everything is ready, all we are waiting for now is the database, because once it was all connected it started to process 4 days worth of interest payments for our 11000 members. So no one can log in just yet as the database is working flat out to get everything in order and ‘catch up’ with itself. This answers the question on many of your lips,
‘Will we be paid interest during the downtime’? The answer is yes.
So, another day goes by with no web site on line, but all is well behind the scenes and
we are looking good to be well and truly back on Wednesday.
Keep checking the Twitter page for updates and we look forward to seeing you all soon.
Regards. Paul”
Если коротко, то почти уже всё готово. Самая большая проблема с датабазой, так как она состоит из 11000 аккаунтов. За время пока сайт не работал, все проценты будут начислены. Запуск планируется на среду, т.е сегодня.