Появилась информация от Админа :
I will edit this post since what happened was not even close to what we thought it was.
Please read carefully since this affected most of you but i can assure that no one lost any money.
In an attempt to fix the bugs that came up in the last couple of days our database "went crazy" and messed up the account and purchase balances of almost all members.
At first reading your tickets we believed that some members just lost their account balances and we started adding the balances according to our latest back up which was today the 27/11 at 01:00 am.
But when we started to investigate what caused all this we noticed that on some members,funds were added to their account and purchase balances!This caused many members to abuse this situation and start buying premium memberships,rented referrals and advertising credits.
Unfortunately after hours of thinking on what is the best way to restore the accounts we decided that we must restore the balances from our latest back up otherwise we had to to manually add/remove balances for more than 5,000 accounts and on this time the site must have been down.This would take a LOT of hours and we couldn't afford that.
So here is what we did.
#1 All account and purchase balances were restored to what you had at 1:00 am on 27/11.
#2 If you made a deposit until now we added it to your purchase balance,plus the deposit bonus.
#3 You will notice that on the 27th you did not get any clicks from your rented referrals.We extended all rented referrals and all premium memberships for 1 day so you wont lose anything.
#4 Finally since a lot of members that suddendly got funds in their account balances requested payments we had to refund all the withdraws that were made on the 27th of November.
Now,if you made any order between 1:00 am and now this order is not registered and you have to do it again.
I am really sorry for that.
Best regards,
Scarlet-clicks and Gptplanet Support
Краткий перевод :
Был сделан откат базы до 27/11 at 01:00 am (по времени сервера)
1. Все балансы были восстановлены до точки отката.
2. Если были сделаны депозиты - их добавят вам на баланс (с бонусом от акции)
3. За 27 число у рентов будет 0 кликов, всех рентов и подписки продлят на 1 день.
4. Все запросы платежей вернут обратно на баланс.