Я так понимаю, это и есть ответ на многочисленные вопросы "нахрена это надо?" Видимо теперь Е-Голд требует чтобы в акках ВебЮаня сведения совпадали с регистрационными сведениями акка Е-Голда. Почитайте кто-нибудь блог Е-Голда и расскажите нам нормальный перевод.По международным нормам запрещено использовать еголд, без верификации пользователей, в целях передачи средств анонимным пользовалетям, т.е. с 25.12.07 мы не можем принимать/передовать еголд. Возможно ситуацию можно будет урегулировать посредством верификации и/или перехода на альтернативную систему(хотя на данный момент такой нет).
Следует заметить что всё это связано с анализом информации блога еголда за 12.12.07, ужесточением правил и довольно частыми блокировками счетов пользователей.
Я так же полностью согласен, что нормальной альтренативы нет Е-Голду.Е-Голд написал(а):e-gold Assists Law Enforcement, Bringing Hundreds of Criminals to Justice
[Melbourne, FL] -- Since its inception in 1996, e-gold has settled over 85 million payments and extended its customer base to more than 165 countries. It currently receives nearly one million visits to its website weekly and settles over $1 billion worth of payments annually. It provides a valuable service for many individuals and companies doing business online. E-gold usage offers significant advantages over credit cards. Besides the obvious advantages to merchants (reduced cost and instantaneous settlement with no risk of chargeback ), e-gold is not as subject to the risk of exposing personal information over the Internet (an identity theft risk), while still maintaining full identifying information as part of the record for every transaction.
e-gold is always vigilant to assist federal law enforcement in bringing criminals to justice. Regrettably, e-gold's work with the FBI, FTC, IRS, DEA, SEC, USPS, and other government agencies has gone widely unnoticed. The e-gold staff has participated in hundreds of investigations in support of law enforcement. In addition, e-gold maintains an active investigations staff using numerous automated system protocols to work proactively to identify and stop unwanted activity. e-gold's investigative capability has not only made it one of the poorest choices for illicit activity, but has directly provided extraordinary data that has lead to the identification, apprehension, and conviction of cyber criminals.
About e-gold
e-gold is an electronic currency, 100% backed by physical gold in allocated storage that empowers people to use gold as money. e-gold is integrated into a secure account-based payment system, operating globally 24/7, featuring instantaneous payment settlement with no charge back risk, at lower cost. Shopping cart, automation, and mobile phone interfaces are available. Operational since 1996, e-gold has settled over 85M transactions, serves customers in 165 countries, and has a circulation exceeding 2.5 metric tonnes of e-gold.
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Holly Pitt Young
[email protected]
+1 (202) 207-2854
All others:
Bill Cunningham
[email protected]
+1 (321) 956-1200 ext 127
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