в феврале не приходят лимиты и траффик от рефералов, изменились правила у ББ? У кого как, отпишитесь.
Как приходил, так и приходит! И трафик и лимит! Всё по прежнему!
Мне тоже пришли и лимиты и траф.
в феврале не приходят лимиты и траффик от рефералов, изменились правила у ББ? У кого как, отпишитесь.
Как приходил, так и приходит! И трафик и лимит! Всё по прежнему!
Баннерс сделал возврат, но часть людей поставили на вывод. В итоге получили отрицательный баланс и Солид по своим правилам влепил штраф 50 долларов. Вообщем то ББ тут должен нести финансовую ответственность за свои косяки, не знаю как они поступят в этом случае, лучшеб как минимум с СТП договорились.
сейчас увеличился срок закрытия панелей
Еще бы деньги выплатили, которые на выводе с 17 декабря.
Здравствуйте, я всего несколько дней начала работу в этом проекте
Многие пишут, что панели
желтые закрываются за 23 дня,
фиолет - за 40 дней
синие - 50,
зеленые - 60.
А у меня за 3 дня работы панели намного медленнее работают.
По среднему за день умноженному на 30 дней получается
ж - 40
ф - 60
с - 70
з - 90
Скажите пожалуйста. Это так сейчас увеличился срок закрытия панелей или они неравномерно работают в течение месяца?
в феврале не приходят лимиты и траффик от рефералов, изменились правила у ББ? У кого как, отпишитесь.
У меня тоже нет лимитов и трафика от реферала от лоченых панелей. Поддержка ответила на проблему каким то бредом.
С 17-го декабря на какую платежку?
Приблизительный срок закрытия панелей на сегодняшний день:Это так сейчас увеличился срок закрытия панелей или они неравномерно работают в течение месяца?
Проэкт скоро закроют, читал в новостях
Приблизительный срок закрытия панелей на сегодняшний день:
Желтая 38 дней +/- 2 дня
Фиолетовая 57 дней +/- 2 дня
Синяя 70 дней +/- 2 дня
Зеленая 88 дней +/- 2 дня
Красная 140 дней +/- 2 дня (??? у меня все красные с бустером)
Черная 198 дней +/- 2 дня
народ, кто подскажет, как закрыть аккаунт в ВВ ? разочаровался, первый проект- и такая лажа. Буду переходить на нормальные хайпы.
Все данные БЕЗ БУСТЕРОВ.Дима а статистика с бустером есть. С ув. А все увидел красные с бустером, а зеленые
Leaders Call Notes 11th Feb 2013
David and Chris on the call today
Talked about the Manchester event, only 300 tickets remaining.
BB site will go down for a couple of hours on 19th Feb so BB can do the switch over.
Chris talked about how v2.9 will easier to visualise because you can see the different traffic is separated in the different banks. Rollup traffic will go into the incentive traffic.
Went through the features.
Went through the grandfather clause.
Eg 20 TPs and Premium. You can stay at 20 if you wish, if you add 1 more TP you become Exec.
(JW - the thing people are losing sight of the fact is there is no limit to the number of panels you can qualify with Sales, Organic or Incentive Traffic. The only type of traffic that is subjected to the traffic limit is Purchased Traffic.)
Beta 2.9 Q and A
Q: I have one question today on 2.9. Purchasing a black package means an affiliate will have exec membership at $500. However this will just drive the account into the negative leaving them unable to grow they're inventory
A: That is incorrect. You may choose to buy a Black Package with a standard, premium or executive account. You are not forced to only buy the Executive account.
Q: when we switch to 2.9 will people's traffic limit for Black increase from 1215000 to 6075000, so effectively enough to allow you to qualify 5 panels
A: Yes.
Q: I want to confirm that sales credits will not actually increase the cap allowance on the lower seems that many affiliates are focussing on that, however if people are using traffic packs then that is what increases the cap limit just wanted to confirm......I woukld also venture to say that the cap is automatic for sales credits is theis the correct understanding?
A: correct - cap is now ONLY for TPs - it will go up and down when TP used - nothing else will affect the cap
Q: Hello, re 2.9 how long can traffic packs remain in the Traffic Bank before being redeemed? Thank you.
A: There is no time limit on when you have to assign the Traffic Packs
Q: should panels qualified with sales traffic increase the traffic limit for the panel colour below? Thank you.
A: No. only traffic pack qualification would increase the limit for traffic packs
Q: Will people who currently have multiple qualified black panels be eligible for a fresh traffic allowance of 5 for black panels?
A: Yes
Q: If sales credits are not going to increase the cap allowance of lower panels any longer, what is the incentive then for us to share BB with others?
A: There is no limit for panels you can cap with sales credits. The only time the limit applies is when you want to qualify with traffic packs
Q: In the current system I am able to qualify 2 yellow panels after qualifying a purple panel with sales credits, in the new situation this is not possible anymore, is this an intentionally change? Because this is the most important change having much more impact on the accounts than the Executive membership
A: if you have enough sales credit for the 2 yellow, you do not need to worry about the limit.
Q: Will we be able to upgrade to the new package? No matter how long we are affiliate?
A: yes - with all panels in between
Q: so if I qualify a purple with sales credits and I dont have any sales credits for yello but have two yellow panels, I wont be able to qualify those 2 yellow panels with traffic packs if my limit on yellow is zero? Therfore forcing me to qualify the purple with TPs in order to qualify my yellows with TPs? Does that not defeat the object of referring people?
A: No. If you refer others, and they qualify panels, you will receive sales credits. Which you can use to qualify panels. Regardless of limit
Q: In the current system I can qualify 2 yellows with TP's after qualifying a purple with sales credits, in the new system this is not possible anymore so it is a very big change having large impact on accounts with referrals
A: You will still receive credits into the bank that your referee qualified their panels with(incentive, TP, SC and organic). And your need for limit increase will be minimized
Q: if a member comes into BB and buys 15 Traffic packs and no black panel can he remain a premium member?
A: no. If you purchase more than 9 TP subscriptions you will be upgraded to executive.
Q: I thought if you purchased more than 9 traffic packs you had to have a black or a prestige panel to be upgraded to least that is what Chris sia dthe other day
A: Correct. You will not be able to buy your 10th TP until you have (not qualify) a black or prestige panel.
Q: Does it means that people who has no referral(s), they need to have referrals now ?!
A: No. there are many traffic options. Traffic Packs, Organic and Incentive
Audience Question
Q: so is having a black panel or not, completely irrelevant to the granfather clause?
A: Yes. If you have 10-29 traffic packs, you will not be upgraded, regardless of qualified black panels
Q: When 2.9 launches will the current traffic limits remain intact or will all be reset?
A: it will remian, with the exception of Black Limit.
Q: does needing a black or prestige panel to be upgraded to executive apply to current affiliates?
A: if they are between 10-29, no.
Q: if we purchase 10TP in one transaction do we have to allocate that 10 TP together in one go or can we do them individually thanks
A: You can select how many TP you want to assign at one time.
Q: On which bank does the 2:1 rule still apply?
A: Traffic Bank
Q: I think when you use 1/2 sales credit and 1/2 traffic credit it still increases the panel below by 2 is that correct or a bug? Just need to know for clarification.
A: The limit below would increase by enough to qualify 1 panel
Q: If somone new rolls up to a black panel - are they automatically upgraded to exec?
A: You can be a premium affilliate with a prestige panel
Q: is the sales credits for repurchased panels going to be 1/2 or 1/4 i.e for 1 yellow will it be 2500 or 1250?
A: 1/2
Have a great week
Лучше чем ББ вам не найти...народ, кто подскажет, как закрыть аккаунт в ВВ ? разочаровался, первый проект- и такая лажа. Буду переходить на нормальные хайпы.
Походу, таким образом он и хочет себе рефоф привязать, предлагая им панели со скидкой, он же написал: "Так что те, кто все еще думает, но не решил заняться этим бизнесом, получают великолепную возможность неплохо сэкономить!"Андрей панели и пакеты можете продать только прямым рефералам.