Over the next few days, our website might not be accessible. We are going to transfer our Domain (www.HyipsToGo.com) to the Dedicated Server. Currently, our host is Ixwebhosting.com (IXW) but will be migrated to our dedicated server at BlackLotus.com (BL).
If there are no major Technical issues, we are going to perform the following:
1) To change the Name Servers from IXW to our name servers at BL (the propagation takes about 24-48 hours)
2) Install the Licensed Scripts, transfer the old databases
3) Testing the email system (News Letter, Password Recovery, Deposit / Withdrawal / Bonus notification and etc)
4) Testing Chat room / Forum
5) Testing E-Bullion as the 2nd Payment Processor
6) Testing E-Gold Instant Withdrawals mode
7) Release account balances to members, enabled E-Gold & E-Bullion Deposits
8) Resume Instant Withdrawals
We hope all the above can be completed by May 25, 2007.