Да вероятно, это наш профит. Меня смутило одно, что когда жмешь на рефрешь (внутри таблицы) вот на этой ссылке
http://uptime.netcraft.com/up/graph?site=profite-centre.biz то выдается не понятная для моегопонимания информация..
Site name or availability problem for profite-centre.biz
We could not get any results for your selected site. There can be a several reasons for this:
The host name you have selected is not valid, perhaps it was mistyped.
We could not contact it, and we do not have any cached information for it. This can be because there is no server running on that site yet, or because it is a new site and the DNS has not yet propagated to Netcraft. It can be also be because of a temporary routing problem from Netcraft to the site.
We cannot tell you anything about this server, and have ignored it.
It is possible that you have mistyped the name. You can explore web server names here.