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Hello fella's great to see that good members are always there to suggest good suggestions and to share opinions. I am humbled to see that one of our member (not disclosing name) was ready to put $30 from his pocket and was requesting every members to donate $5 for a fastest server upgrade.. with lots of love and respect
Let me tell you the truth behind site lagging.. massive and tremendous traffic incoming is huge..
Han already upgraded to a new stronger server earlier when site members were 15000 and he couldnt believe that he will be require for an another server upgrade so early.. So the new and stronger server will be there on 23rd september and till then we need to bear our site lagging issues coz after implementation of new server Han will introduce new features to us.( so donations will not required but your trust and faith is all required)
Another member(i am not disclosing name again) was suggesting to put ad surf plan which will bring HQrev to beat more 1000 rank and will become faster than TM..
We have already reached Alexia rank 15685 and I am sure we have far more way to beat other Gaints.
Till now there is no such plan to introduce surfing plan to Hqrev and thts why Hq is unique. but if in future Han finds the opinion good.. then he will surely implement it for his every happy member..
For new pack purchasing it will take time to start your earning coz of lagging server but once the upgrade done for server . it will get automized for every new pck that has been purchased.
At last.. I wish you all a happy earning and have a sound sleep.. good night stay blessed.
Суть такова то обновляют сервак, и сервак новый будет 23 числа, ибо тот который сейчас работает не справляется с таким огромным наплывом людей, и что то написано про пакеты мол начисления по ним могут быть с задержкой, но с новым серваком все исправится.
за новостями можно следить на фейсе.
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Мне вчера 7 баксов админ вернул на баланс. К чему бы это? Бывали такие приколы у кого? Наверно это он так попросил купить еще пакетов. Я поставил опять на вывод.
Нет он так попросил меньше ныть, что ты делаеш уже последние 5 страниц и по больше читать на офиц. блоге, что ты опять же так мало делаеш, тогда все будет ок.